Ziegler (Ziegler An, Ziegler Anazarbos)

Ziegler, R. Kaiser, Heer und Städtisches Geld: Untersuchungen zur Münzprägung von Anazarbos und Anderer Ostkilikischer Städte. (Vienna, 1993).

Caesar, the Army and City Coinage: Studies on the Coinage of Anazarbos and Other Eastern Cilician Cities.

Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Vienna, 1993. 376 pages, 36 plates, 39 charts, 1 map. In-depth coin study of Roman provincial issues from the mint of Anazarbos in Cilicia and other East Cilician cities between the mid first century BC and the third century A.D. Includes a catalogue of 840 types. Important and scarce.

Ziegler published a supplement : Ziegler, R. Ergänzungen zum Münzcorpus der Stadt Anazarbos in Kilikien in JNG XLVIII/XLIX (1998/99) pp. 101 - 132.

Also see:
Ziegler Ergänzungen
Ziegler Kilikiens (Ziegler K)
Ziegler Prestige
