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PAL. Palaestine. - PR. S. PAL. Provinciae Syriae Palaestinae.

PAL. Palatino. - APOL. PAL. or PALAT. Apollini Palatino. - IMP VIII. TR. P. XIII. COS. V. On a first brass of Commodus which represents Apollo holding a lyre.  Apollo Actius is meant tn this case.  The god was called Palatinus, because a dedication was made to him by Augustus in the Palatium at Rome, after the battle of Actium.  The coins of Commodus struck with this epigraph, refer to the ludi Apollinares, or Apollinarian games, which were celebrated at Rome, in supplication to Apollo as the God of Medicine, that he would stay a dreadful pestilence raging in that city in the year 943 during the height of which, by the testimony of Dion, it often happened that two thousand persons died of it in one day

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