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HISPAN. Hispania. - See POSTUMIA gens.
Hispania (Spain). - The Romans under this name comprehended all that extent of territory, which is bounded by the Pyrenées on the east, by the Mediterranean to the south and east, and by the ocean to the north and west. - The same motive which carried them into Sicily, led them into Spain; that is to say, the political necessity of opposing the Carthaginians who occupied the larger portion of the country. After a long and bloody struggle the Romans succeeded in driving the Carthaginians entirely out of Spain. It was Publius Scipio, afterwards surnamed Africanus, under whose command the legions triumphed over the troops of Hannibal. And Hispania being thus subjected to the power of the republic, was divided into two provinces. Augustus afterwards made three of it, Boetica, Lusitania, and Tarraconensis. He left the last named to the Roman people, who sent a Pretor there; and he reserved the two other portions, which were governed by his Lieutenants. Boetica comprised the kingdoms of Grenada and Andalusia, Estremadura, and some places in New Castille. Lusitania included the kingdoms of Portugal, the Algarves, and some parts of the two Castilles. Tarraconensis comprehended the kingdoms of Valentia, Murcia, Arragon, Navarre, Galicia, and Leon, a large part of the two Castilles, the principality of the Asturias, Biscay, and Catalonia. - (See Pitiscus).

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