

What is a Fibula?

A fibula (plural fibulae) is an ancient brooch. Technically, the Latin term, fibulae, refers to Roman brooches; however, the term is widely used to refer to brooches from the entire ancient and early medieval world. Fibulae| were used to fasten clothing or, in some cases, purely for decoration. They followed the straight pin in evolution and were eventually replaced by buttons. They are perhaps most famous as the fastener on Roman military cloaks - the sagum and paludamentum. However, they were used centuries before Rome was founded and for centuries after it fell. They were used by Greeks, Persians, Phrygians, Celts, Germans, Slavs and many other peoples in addition to Romans. They were used by soldiers and civilians; by men, women and children. They can thus signify culture, tribe, sex, status or profession - though not always. They were used on robes, shirts and dresses as well as cloaks. One thing they were never used on was the toga, which was simply folded and draped and was not fixed by any pin.

On this site we often use the singular fibula when the plural fibulae would be more appropriate or correct. We do this to optimize the use of automatically generated links. We would rather use the wrong tense and generate a useful link than be grammatically correct.

Brief History of Fibula

The first fibulae| appear in Mycenaean Greece in the 12th(?) century B.C. and consist of a long pin looped back on itself with a small catch at one end. It resembles the simple safety pin still in use today - 32 centuries later.

Fibulae| quickly spread through the Archaic Greek world and then to the peoples of Anatolia, the Balkans and Italy. A huge diversity of forms appeared, often delineating different cultures, peoples and tribes, though most were bow fibulae| with spring mechanisms.

Fibula use appears to have declined among the Classical Greeks, the Hellenistic Greeks and the early Romans during the second half of the first millennium BC but they were widely used throughout the Celtic world.

Fibulae| gained a new popularity among the Romans at the start of the Empire though most early Roman types appear to derive from Celtic or, in some cases, early Germanic types. The Roman military, and its associated civilian followers, helped spread different fibula designs throughout the Empire. The increasing use of foreigners, or "barbarians," in the Roman military ensured that many Roman designs spread beyond the borders of the Empire as well.

Early bow fibula were made from one piece of bronze. The entire fibula from the catch, to the bow, to the spring, to the tip of the pin was created by shaping and bending a single piece of bronze with great expertise and skill. One-piece construction was rapidly replaced by the much easier to manufacture two-piece construction in the middle of the 1st century A.D.

Plate fibulae| spread quickly throughout the Roman world. By the 2nd century AD their decorative potential was often enhanced through enamel-work or other fancy decorative techniques.

During the Imperial Roman era, fibula use expanded among the Germanic and Sarmatian peoples to the north and northeast of the Empire 's frontiers.

Fibula use continued after the fall of the western Roman Empire among the Germanic peoples and with the Byzantine military. However, the later steppe nomads of the Mongolian people did not adopt fibulae| and instead used fancy belt-sets as status symbols. In Western and Central Europe fibulae| use declined as cheaper and simpler buttons replaced them for everyday use and as the use of burial goods disappeared.

Fibulae| remained in use in the early Middle Ages by the pagan Nordic and Baltic peoples. In the High Middle Ages "brooches" - basically plate fibulae| - had a resurgence in popularity, though they were by this time purely decorative.

Fibula Names

Part of the difficulty in identifying fibulae| is due to the confusion over fibula names. There is no naming standard for fibulae. Some types, or groups are identified with several different names.

These names can be related to a type-site, i.e. Alesia fibula, Hod Hill fibula or Nauheim fibula. However, it should be remembered that this site is not necessarily the origin point of this type, it is simply a site where such fibula were found and then included in a report. For example Hod Hill is in Britain though the Hod Hill fibula group originates in Gaul. Names can also be related to the appearance of the fibula. Sometimes this involves one simple term such as crossbow fibula or knee fibula. Other times it involves a longer more descriptive phrase such as Zoomorphic plate fibula. Sometimes foreign terms are used such as for the kraftig profilierte (German for "highly profiled," or "with a high arch") group. To further complicate matters there is no international agreement on names and they can differ in different languages.

In addition to names, fibulae| can be described using catalog numbers from various typology studies. Over the years many different scholars have studied fibulae| from specific sites or regions and organized them into groups using letters and/or numbers. Individual types may have many reference designations. For example, the well known Aucissa fibula type (named after the word AVCISSA, thought to represent a Roman workshop, that appears on some examples of this type) is designated as: Almgren 242; Jobst 1; Böhme 8; Hofheim Va; Riha 5.2; Ettlinger 29; Feugere 22b2; Hull 51; Genceva 13, among others.

Fibula Design, Construction and Parts

There are three primary fibula designs - bow |fibulae|, plate fibulae, and penannular |fibulae|. Bow |fibulae| are the most common type and were made in all the time periods and by most of the cultures that used fibulae. Some post-Roman Germanic and Slavic fibulae| consist of two flat plates connected by a short bow and are known as bow-plate or plate-bow fibulae.

Fibulae| pins are articulated with either a spring or a hinge.

For details about basic fibula parts, designs, construction, materials see the Fibula Construction page.

Busuladzic, A. Zbirka antičkih fibula iz Franjevačkog samostana u Tolisi / The Collection of Antique Fibulae from the Franciscan Monastery in Tolisa. (Sarajevo, 2014)., p.31 (slightly modified) PDF

Fibula Construction
Fibula Pin Connection
Fibula Foot| and Pin Catch

Fibulae| Classes (Click on each Class to see Types, Sub-Types and Varieties)

There are three primary fibula classes based on form:
Penannular Fibula

A sample of penannular fibula| types from Riha, E. Die römischen Fibeln aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. (1979). PDF

Bow Fibula

A sample of bow fibulae| types from Riha, E. Die römischen Fibeln aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. (1979). PDF

Plate Fibula

A sample of plate fibulae| types from Riha, E. Die römischen Fibeln aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. (1979). PDF

Click on each of the three classes to see the types and sub-types within each class. The essential forms of penannular fibulae| and bow fibulae| are readily apparent, but many so-called plate fibula are not quite plate-like. Some post-Roman Germanic and Slavic fibulae| consist of two flat plates connected by a short bow and are known as bow-plate or plate-bow fibulae. For practical purposes, we classify any fibula that is not clearly a penannular fibula or bow fibula within the plate fibula class.

Fibulae| by Time Period

Fibulae| are classified by time period as follows:

Bronze| Age| |Fibulae, c. 1200 - 1100 B.C.

Early Iron Age |Fibulae, c. 1100 to 450 B.C.

Late Iron Age (La Tène|) |Fibulae|, c. 450 B.C. to 50 B.C.

Roman Era Fibulae, c. 50 B.C.  - 400 A.D. (no page)

Post-Roman |Fibulae, c. 400 to 1000 A.D. 

Medieval |Brooches|, c. 1000 to 1600 A.D.

We do not have a page for Roman era fibula because most fibulae are Roman era. The pages above highlight the exceptions. While determining the date range of a fibula is essential to its proper identification and description, a purely chronological system for organizing fibulae| as successive types is impossible. Many types overlap in time.

Fibulae| by Culture or Major Group

Fibulae| can be divided and subdivided by Culture. A list of the main Cultures that made and used fibulae| included the following:

Celtic| |Fibulae

Geto-Dacian| Fibulae|

Greek Fibulae|

Phrygian Fibulae|

Italic Fibulae|

Roman Fibulae| (no page)

Chernyakhov Culture Fibulae|

Germanic Fibulae|

Anglo-Saxon| Fibulae|

Viking Fibulae|

Fibulae| by Geographic Distribution

Some fibula types were widely distributed across the Roman Empire. Other types were restricted to more specific locations or regions. Regional fibula types are identified for the following areas: 

British| Fibulae|

Anatolian| Fibulae|

Pannonian Fibulae|

Identifying Your Fibula

Before trying to identify your fibula, you should first read the Fibula Construction page to learn basic fibula terms and the fibula parts so that you can better understand the descriptions.

To identify your fibula, first determine if it is a bow fibula, plate fibula, penannular fibula, or another type. Next determine the pin connection type. From there find a visual match under the class (bow fibula, plate fibula, penannular fibula) and pin connection type. You may find a match on NumisWiki or you may have to look in one of the references listed. Some of the PDFs available online are excellent references. Links are provided on many NumisWiki fibula pages.

The NumisWiki fibula pages are a work in progress and far from complete. If you don 't find your fibula type, you can post photos and a request for identification help on the Classical Numismatic Discussion Board.

Fibula Websites

EX PRETERITUS - Roman Fibula and Brooches

Darwin Country - Roman Brooches (fibulae)

Fibula References

Allason-Jones, L. (ed.). Artefacts in Roman Britain: Their Purpose and Use. (Cambridge, 2011).

Almgren, O. Studien über nordeuropäische Fibelformen. (Liepzig, 1923). [In German, Studies of northern European fibula forms.] PDF

Ambroz, A. Fibuly yuga evropejskoj chasti SSSR. (Moscow, 1966).

Bavdek, A., C. Radovan & M. Pokrajinski. S fibulo v fabulo: Con la fibula nella storia: fibule dall 'Istria, dal Carso, dalla Carniola Interna e dall 'Isontino tra preistoria e alto medioevo. (Koper, 2010). [In Italian. The fibula in history: fibulae from Istria, Carso, Inland Carniola and Isontino between prehistory and the early Middle Ages.]

Barca, V. "The fibulae| in the north-Pontic Sarmatian environment (1st century - first half of the 2nd century AD)" in Ephemeris Napocensis XXI, 2011.

Baye, J. The Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons. (London, 1893).

Bayley, J. & S. Butcher. Roman Brooches in Britain: A Technological and Typological Study based on the Richborough Collection. (London, 2004). [In English. Huge study of metallurgy, manufacture and typology of Roman era fibulae| from southern England.]

Bechert, T. Römische Fibeln des 1. und 2. Jahrhunderts N. Chr. Fundeaus Asciburgium 1. (Duisburg and Rheinhausen, 1973). [In German. Roman fibulae of the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D.]

Beck, H., et al. Fibel und Fibeltracht. (Excerpt from the Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde.) (Berlin, 2000). [In German, a history of fibulae| of the Germanic peoples. Little info on Roman era fibula but interesting for post-Roman Germanic fibulae.]

Bemmann, J. "Anmerkungen zu einigen Kleinfundender jüngeren Römischen Kaiserzeit und Völkerwanderungszeit aus Mitteldeutschland" in The Turbulent Epoch (Lublin, 2008). PDF

Benes, Z., P. Hornik & F. Kašspárek. "Rozrušený soubor z pohřebiště a sídlištĕ z nebovid okr. Kolín" in Studia Archaeologica Suebica I (Olomouc, 2011).

Behrens, G. "Römische Fibeln mit Inschrift" in Reinecke Festschrift. (Mainz, 1950)., pp. 1–12. PDF

Binding, U. Band 16: Studien zu den figürlichen Fibeln der Frühlatenzeit. (Bonn, 1993). [In German. Very detailed study of La tene (pre-Roman) fibulae| in animal form or with animal features.]

Blinkenberg, C. Fibules grecques et orientales. (Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, Kobenhavn, 1926). [In French. Excellent study of fibulae| from Greece and Asia Minor from their origins in the Mycanaean era to the end of the archaic Greek era. Very hard to find.]

Boelicke, U. Die Fibeln aus dem Areal der Colonia Ulpia Traiana. Xanter Berichte 10. (Mainz, 2002). [In German. The fibulae from the area of Colonia Ulpia Traiana. Xanter reports 10.] PDF

Bohme, A. Die Fibeln der Kastelle Saalburg und Zugmantel. Saalburg Jahrbuch, XXIX. (1973). [In German. Roman era fibulae| found at the Roman forts of Saalburg and Zugmantel in southern Germany. These forts were in use from circa 90-260AD.]

Bojovic, D. Rimske Fibule Singidunuma. Muzej Grada Bograda Serija - Zbirke i Legati Katalog XII. (Belgrade, 1983).

British Museum. Guide to Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. (London, 1923). [In English. Small finds and a few fibulae.]

Buora, M. Fibule antiche del Friuli. Cataloghi E Monografie Archeologiche Dei Civici Musei Di Udine. (Rome, 2008).

Busuladzic, A. "The Fibulae| Collection from Mogorjelo" in Opusc Archaeol 32, 2008. PDF

Busuladzic, A. Zbirka antičkih fibula iz Franjevačkog samostana u Tolisi / The Collection of Antique Fibulae from the Franciscan Monastery in Tolisa. (Sarajevo, 2014). Busuladzic Tolisa PDF

Callewaert, M. "Les Fibules Romaines: Archeologie, Usages et Fonctions" in La parure de Cro-Magnon a Clovis (2012). PDF

Cocis, S. "Strongly profiled brooches with trapezium form foot in the Roman Province of Dacia" in Emphemeris Napocensis V, 1995.

Collingwood R. & R. Wright. "The Roman Inscriptions of Britain" in volume II Instrumentum Domesticum, 1991.

Curta, F. "Die Fibeln der Sammlung "V. Culicŭ" in Dacia XXXVI, 1992.

Curta, F. "Neither Gothic, nor Slavic: Bow Fibulae of Werner 's Class II B" in Archaeologia Austriaca, band 93 (2009), pp. 45- 77. PDF

Curta, F. "Not 'Slavic ' after all: Bow Fibulae| of Werner 's Class IIA" in Între stepă şi imperiu, Studii în onoarea lui Radu Harhoiu by A. Măgureanu & E. Gáll (Bucharest, 2010), pp. 149-175. PDF

Curta, F. "The Jägala Fibula revisited, or remarks on Werner 's Class IID" in Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 2012. PDF

Curta, F. "Werner 's Class 1H of 'Slavic ' Bow Fibulae Revisited" in Archaeologica Bulgarica VIII, 2004. PDF

Curta, F. & A. Gândilă. "Too much typology, too little History: A critical approach to the Classification and Interpretation of Cast fibulae| with Bent Stem" in Archaeologica Bulgarica XV, 2011.

Dandridge, P. "Idiomatic and Mainstream: The Technical Vocabulary of a Late Roman Crossbow Fibula" in Metropolitan Museum Journal 35, 2010.

Davidson, G. Corinth XII : The Minor Objects. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (Princeton, 1952). [In English. Huge catalogue of small finds from Hellenistic to Byzantine era including terracotta and metal figurines, metal dishes and furniture fittings, buttons, buckles, gems, stamps, etc.] Available Online

Demetz, S. Fibeln der Spätlatène- und frühen römischen Kaiserzeit in den Alpenländern. (1999). [Fibulas of the late Latène and early Roman imperial period in the Alpine countries.]

Deppert-Lippitz, B. "A Late Antique Crossbow Fibula in the Metropolitan Museum of Arts" in Metropolitan Museum Journal 35, 2010.

Dizdar, M. & A. Tonc. "Finds of fibulae from 1st century BC in Croatia: Trade and exchange between Eastern Alps, the Danube and the northern Adriatic area before and during Roman conquest" in Proceedings of the International Conference from 27th−29th April 2011 in Innsbruck. (Innsbruck, 2013). PDF

Dollfus, M. Catalogue des fibules de bronze de Haute-Normandie. (Paris, 1973).

Egan, G. & F. Pritchard. Dress Accessories: 1150-1450 AD. (Boydell, 2002). [In English. Large catalogue of finds including buckles, strap ends, mounts, brooches, buttons, pins, beads, rings and combs.]

Ettlinger, E. Die rimischen Fibeln in der Schweiz. (Bern, 1973). [In German: The Roman fibulae in Switzerland.]

Exner, K. "Die provinzialrömischen Emailfibeln der Rheinlande" in Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, 1941.

Fauduet, I. Fibules preromaines, romaines, et merovingiennes du musee du Louvre. (Paris, 1999). [In French. Study of the fibulae| in the Louvre 's collection from middle La Tene to Merovingian era.]

Feugere, M. Les fibules en Gaule meridionale de la conquite a la fin du Ve sicle apres J.-C. (Paris|, 1985). [In French. The fibulae| of the conquerors in southern Gaul at the end of the 5th century AD.] Online

Fischer F. "Frühe Fibeln aus Aquileia" in Aquileia Nostra (1966), pp. 8 - 26. [In German: Early fibulae from Aquileia.]

Garbsch, J. "Die norisch-pannonische Frauentracht im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert" in MBV 11 (Munich, 1965). [In German. The Noric-Pannonian women 's dress in the 1st and 2nd centuries.]

Genceva, E. Les Fibules Romaines de Bulgarie de la fin du 1er s. av. J.-C. à la fin du VIe s. ap. J.-C. (Veliko Trnovo, 2004). [In French. The Roman fibulae| of Bulgaria from the late 1st century BC to the end of the sixth century AD.] PDF

Gergova, D|. Früh- und ältereisenzeitliche Fibeln in Bulgarien. (Munich, 1987). [In German. Typology of late bronze and early iron age fibulae| found in Bulgaria. Does not cover La Tene or Roman era.]

Glogovic, D. Fibeln im kroatischen Küstengebiet. (Stuttgart, 2003). [In German. Typology of late bronze and early iron age fibulae| found in Croatia. Does not cover La Tene or Roman era.]

Gugl, C. Die romischen Fibeln aus Virunum. (Klagenfurt, 1995). [In German. Roman era fibulae| found at the Roman fort of Virunum, at modern Maria Saal near Klagenfurt in southern Austria. This continuously inhabited site was capital of Roman Noricum in the 1st century AD.]

Gustin, M. "Appunti sulla fibula tardo La Tène di tipo Nova Vas" in Celti ed Etruschi cit. (1987), pp. 543-549.

Gustin, M. "Fibule tardorepubblicane del Caput Adriae" in Aquileia Nostra 57 (1986), pp. 677-684.

Gustin, M. "La Tène Fibulae| from Istria" in Archaeologia Iugoslavica 24 (1986), pp. 43-56.

Gustin, M. "Les fibules du type d ' Alésia et leurs variantes" in Duval, A. (ed.), Les Alpes a l 'Age de fer, RAN Suppl. 22, Paris (CNRS), 1991.

Guzzo, P. Le Fibule in Etrurio dal VI al I Secolo. (Firenze, 1972).

Haalebos, J. Fibulae uit Maurik. (Leiden, 1986). [In Dutch. Fibulae at Marik.]

Hattatt, R. A Visual catalogue of Richard Hattatt 's Ancient Brooches. (Oxford|, 2000). [In English. The only commonly available English language book on fibulae. Good for basic identification and rough dating only.]

Hattatt, R. Ancient Brooches and Other Artifacts. (Oxford|, 1989). Hattatt ABOA. [In English. The fourth book in Hattatt 's series, which is perhaps the best reference for fibulas and small bronze objects. This volume includes a "visual catalog" of line drawings from the four volumes.]

Hattatt, R. Ancient and Romano-British Brooches. (Sherborne, Dorset, 1982). Hattatt ARBB. [In English. The first book in Hattatt 's series, which is among the best reference for fibulas and small bronze objects.]

Hattatt, R. Brooches of Antiquity. (Oxford|, 1987). Hattatt BoA. [In English. The third book in Hattatt 's series, which is among the best reference for fibulas and small bronze objects. A selection of Iron Age to Medieval brooches from the author 's collection, with references to continental types as well as British, and notes on their manufacture.]

Hattatt, R. Iron Age and Roman Brooches. (Oxford|, 1985). Hattatt IARB [In English. The second book in Hattatt 's series. A selection of Iron Age to Medieval brooches from the author 's collection, with references to continental types as well as British, and notes on their manufacture.]

Hull, M. "The Brooches at Bagendon" in E. Clifford, Bagendon, a Belgic Oppidum (1961). pp. 167 ff.

Hull, M. & C. Hawkes. Corpus of Ancient Brooches in Britain: pre-Roman bow brooches, British Archaeological Report 168. (Oxford, 1987).

Janovic, A. Nakit u rimskoj Dardaniju. (Belgrade, 1978). [In Croatian. Jewelry in Roman Dardani.]

Jobst, W. Die römischen Fibeln aus Lauriacum. (Linz, 1975). [In German. Roman era fibulae| found at the Roman fort of Lauriacum, at modern Enns in Upper Austria. This fort was in use during the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.]

Keller, E. "Die spätrömischen Grabfun-de in Südbayern" in Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 14 (1971). [In German. The late Roman grave finds in southern Bavaria.]

Knopf, W. & H. Nowak. "Fibeln von Flavia Solva aus Privatbesitz" in Römisches Österreich 21/22, 1998-1999. [In German. Fibulae| of Flavia Solva from private collections.]

Kovrig, I. Die Haupttypen der kaiserzeitlichen Fibeln in Pannonien. (Budapest, 1937). PDF

Korzukhina, G. Russian Treasures IX to XIIIth Centuries. USSR Academy of Sciences. (Moscow, 1954).

Koscevic, R. Antičke fi bule s područja Siska. (Zagreb, 1980). [In Croatian: Ancient fibulae| from the Sisak area.] PDF

Kostrzewski, J. Die ostgermanische Kultur der Spätlatenezeit. (Leipzig, 1919). [In German: The East Germanic Culture of the Late Latène Period.]

Lafli, E. (ed.). Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions. Bar 3038. (Oxford, 2021).

Lokosek, Ivo. "Lučne fibule na samir 's devine igle iz Arčeološkog muzeja u Splitu" in Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku (VAHD), issue 81, 1988. [In Croatian. Onion fibulae [..] from the Archaeological Museum in Split in the Journal of Dalmatian Archeology and History.]

MacGregor, A. Ashmolean Museum Oxford: A Summary catalogue of the Continental Archaeological Collections. BAR 674. (Oxford, 1997). [In English. Fibulae| and many other small finds from Continental Europe in the Ashmolean collection. Focused on post-Roman "Dark Ages" material. Divided by country of origin and not by item type.]

Mackreth, D. Brooches in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain (2 volumes). (Oxford, 2011).

Marin, E. (ed.). Longae Salonae (2 volumes). (Split, 2002).

Masyakhin, V. "Roman Fibulae| and Parts of a Belt-Set from the Zavetnoe Necropolis" in Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 15, 2009.

Matouschek, J & H. Novak. "Unpublizierte Hasten- und Hundefibeln aus österreichischen Privatsammlungen. Mit Nachtrag von Pferde- und Reiterfibeln" in Römisches Österreich. Jahresschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Archäologie, 9/10, (1981 - 1982). [In German. Unpublished rabbit and dog fibulae from Austrian private collections, with supplement of horse and rider brooches.

Matouschek, J & H. Novak. "Unpublizierte Tierfibeln und Fibeln mit theriomorphen Gestaltungselementen aus österreichischen Privatsammlungen. Mit den Nachträgen: Pferde- und Reiterfibeln. Hasen- und Hundefibeln und deren Kombinationen" in Römisches Österreich. Jahresschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Archäologie, 13/14, (1985 - 1986). [In German. Unpublished animal fibulae and fibulae with theriomorphic design elements from Austrian private collections. With the supplements: horse and rider brooches. Rabbit and dog fibulae and their combinations.

Metzler, J. Das treverische Oppidum auf dem Titelberg. (Luxembourg, 1995).

Milavec, T. "Crossbow fibulae| of the 5th and 6th centuries in the southeastern Alps" in Arheološki Vestnik 60, 2009.

Mills, N. Celtic and Roman Artefacts. (Derbyshire, 2000). [In English. Part of the author 's series of books by and for English metal detectorists. Covers La Tene and Roman era fibulae| as well a many other types of small finds. Very well illustrated in colour. Good into to many common types of antiquities.]

Nickel, C. Martberg - Heiligtum und Oppidum der Treverer II: Die Fibeln vom Martberg, Altfunde Privatsammlungen, Feldfunde, Grabungen. (Koblenz, 2011). [In German. Martberg - Sanctuary and Oppidum of the Treverer II: The fibulae of the Martberg, old finds Private collections, field finds, excavations.] PDF

Nikolov, B. Trakiiski grobni nahodki ot Vraeeansko, Arheologija Sofia, 3, (1972), pp. 68-72. [In Bulgarian: Thracian tomb finds from Vrachanski]

Nutu, G & C. Costel. "Late Roman brooches| from Dobroudja" in Editura Istros| 18 (2012), pp. 199 - 212. PDF

Orlic, L. "Željeznodobne fibule s nalazišta Četvrt Sv. Teodora u Puli / Iron Age fibulae from the site of St. Theodore 's Quarter at Pula" in Histria Archaeologica 42 (Nov 1912), pp. 185 - 215. PDF

Papesa, A. "Fibule seobe naroda s vinkovačkog podruǧa" in Starohrvatska Prosvjeta III serija, svezak 39, 2012.

Peskar, I. Fibeln aus der römischen Kaiserzeit in Mahren. (Praha, 1972). PDF

Patek, E. Verbreitung und Herkunft der Römischen Fibeltypen von Pannonien. (Budapest, 1942).

Petkovic, S. Crossbow Fibulae| From Gamzigrad (Romuliana). Institue of Archaeology Belgrade 2010. PDF

Popescu, D. "Fibeln aus dem Nationalmuseum für Altertümer in Bucureşti" in Dacia, IX-X, 1941-1944 (1945).

Popović, P. "Fibule tipa 'Orlea-Maglavit '" in Zbornik Narodnog Muzeja u Beogradu 14-1, archéologie (1992), pp. 319-326.

Pröttel, M. "Zur Chronologie der Zwiebelknopffibeln" in Jahrb. RGZM 35, 1989, p. 347 - 372.

Rasbach, G. "Aucissafibeln und Reliefknöpfe zwischen Gallien und Dalmatien – Funde aus einer Mainzer Privatsammlung" in Honesta Missione – Festschrift für Barbara Pferdehirt. (Mainz, 2014), pp. 143 - 168. [In German: Aucissa fibulae and decorative disc fittings between Gaul and Dalmatia - finds from a private collection in Mainz.] PDF

Redzic, S. "Identifying the Workshop for Intensely Profiled Fibulae| at Viminacium" in Bolletina di Archeologia on line, 2010.

Riha, E. Die römischen Fibeln aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. (1979). PDF

Riha, E. Die römischen Fibeln aus Augst und Kaiseraugst Die Neufunde seit 1975. (1994).

Ritterling, E. Das Frührömische Lager bei Hofheim im Taunus. (Wiesbaden, 1913). [In German. The early Roman camp at Hofheim im Taunus.]

Robinson, D. Excavations at Olynthus X. Metal and Minor Miscellaneous Finds. (Baltimore, 1941).

Schulte, L. Die Fibeln mit hohem Nadelhalter (Almgren Gruppe VII). (Neumünster, 2011). [In German: The fibulae with a high needle holder (Almgren Group VII)]

Schulte, L. "Untersuchungen zu den Niemberger Fibeln" in Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 38 (1997), pp. 135 - 176. [In German: Studies on the Niemberger fibulae]  PDF

Sapoura-Sakellarakis, E. "Die Fibeln der Griechischen Inseln" in Prähistorische Bronzefunde Abt. XIV, Band 4, 1978.

Sedlmayer, H. Die römischen Fibeln von Wels. [In German. The Roman Fibulae| of Wels.] PDF

Sellye, I. "Ringfibeln mit Ansatz aus Pannonien" in Savaria 19/1 (Szombathely, 1990). pp. 17 - 106.

Schleiermachen, M. "Die Romischen Fibeln von Kempten-Cambodunum" in Cambodunumforschungen V. (Kallmunz, 1993).

Schmid, S. Die römischen Fibeln aus Wien. (Vienna, 2010).

Separovic, T. "Aucissa fibule S natpisom iz zbirke Muzeja hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika" in SHP III/125 (1998).

Shopland, N. Archaeological Finds: A Guide to Identification. (Tempus, 2005). [In English. Great guide. Covers prehistoric to 18th century finds. Focused on UK but of value for much wider area. Includes pottery, glass, cutlery, axes, shoes, fibulae/brooches, pins, combs, dice, keys, pipes, thimbles, horseshoes, etc.]

Smith, R. British Museum Guide to Early Iron Age Antiquities: 1925. (Anglia Publishing, Ipswich, 1994). [In English. Guide to European pre-Roman small finds, including fibulae, in the British Museum. Reprint.]

Soupault, V. Les elements metalliques du costume masculin dans les provinces romaines de la mer Noire. IIIe-IVe s. ap. J.-C. BAR 1167. (Oxford, 2003). [In French. Study and typology of late Roman (3rd-4th centuries AD) fibulae| and buckles from the Eastern Balkans and Black Sea region. Best study of the late-Roman "crossbow" fibula.]

Stanev, A. Elementa na germanskiya fibulen kostyum na jug ot dunav. (Sophia, 2012).

Swift, E. "Personal Ornaments" in Allason-Jones, Lindsay (ed.). Artefacts in Roman Britain: Their Purpose and Use. (Cambridge, 2011).

Teodor, D. "Consideratii privind fibulele romano-bizantine din secolele V - VII e. n. in spatiul Carpato-Dunareano-Pontic." in Arheologia Moldovei XII (1988), pp. 197 - 223. [In Romanian. Some remarks regarding the Roman-Byzantine fibula from the 5th - 7th centuries A.D. found in Romania.]

Tezak-Gregl, T. "Rimske provincijalne fibule iz Arheološke zbirke u Osoru" in Z. Rapanić (ed.), Istraživanja na otocima Cresu i Lošinju, Izdanja Hrvat-skog arheološkog društva 7, (Zagreb|, 1982). pp. 99-111. [In Croatian. Roman provincial fibulae from the Osor Archaeological Collection.]

Tischler, O. Über Formen der Gewandnadeln (Fibeln). Beiträge zur Anthropologie un Urgeschichte Bayerns. (Munich, 1881). PDF

Tivaclarne, V. & K. Berecz. Aucissa and Enamelled Brooches in Pannonia and the neighbouring Barbaricum. (Budapest, 2008).

Vaday, A. "Cloisonné brooches in the Sarmatian Barbaricum in the Carpathian Basin" in Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2003.

Van Buchem, H. De Fibulae Van Nijmegen. (Nijmegen, 1941). PDF

Van der Roest, J. "Die Römischen Fibeln von 'De Horden '" in R.O.B. 38 (1988), pp. 142 - 202. Available online

Wiewegh, Z. "Rimske prstenaste fibule iz antičke zbirke Gradskog muzeja Sisak" in Godišnjak Gradskog muzeja Sisak III–IV, Sisak, 2003, pp. 75-90. [In Bosnian. Roman ring fibula from the antique collection of the City Museum of Sisak.]

Winter, H. "Römische Hakenkreuz Fibeln von österreichischen Fundstellen uas Privatbesitz" in Römisches Osterreich 9/10 (1981/1982), pp. 231 - 251. [In German. Roman swastika brooches from Austrian private collections.]

Winter, H. "Römische Vogelfibeln von österreichischen Fundstellen aus Privatbesitz" in Römisches Österreich 13/14 (1985/1986), pp. 323 - 369. [In German. Roman bird fibulae from Austrian private collections.]

Zirra, V. Bemerkungen zu trako-getischen Fibeln. (2000). [Comments on Geto-Thracian fibula.] Available Online

Alphabetical| Index| of NumisWiki| Fibula Pages

Aesica Fibula
Alesia fibula
Almgren fibula
Anatolian Fibula
Anglo-saxon fibula
Anglo-saxon plate fibulae
Aucissa fibula
Augen fibula
Bagendon Fibula
Bayley and Butcher
Behrens 1954
Bent-foot fibula
BMC Iron Age
Boat fibula
Bow fibula
Bronze Age fibula
Busuladzic Tolisa
Cap fibula
Celtic fibula
Certosa fibula
Collingwood and Wright
Corinth XII
Crossbow fibula
Curta 1992
Curta 2004
Curta 2010
Curta 2012
Curta and Gandila
Dacian Molded Bow Fibula
Dagger fibula
Double knot fibula
Dolphin fibula
Egan and Pritchard
Eingliederige fibula
Enamel plate fibula
Enameled bow fibula
Ettlinger 1944
Fantail Fibula
Fibula construction
Fibula foot
Geometric plate fibula
Germanic fibula
Geto-Dacian fibula
Greek fibula
Group B3 fibula
Haffner 1971
Haffner 1974
Hattatt ABOA
Hattatt ARBB
Hattatt BOA
Hattatt IARB
Headstud fibula
Hod hill fibula
Hrusica fibula
Inscribed fibula
Iron age fibula
Italic fibula
Knee fibula
Knick fibula
Knoten Fibula
Kraftig profilierte fibula
La Tène fibula
Langton-Down fibula
Lattice fibula
Lauteracher fibula
Leech fibula
Letter plate fibula
Lion Bow fibula
London 1964
Mogorjelo Fibula Collection
Nauheimer fibula
Needle Catch
One-piece construction
Onion button fibula
Openwork plate fibula
Penannular fibula
Phrygian fibula
Plate Fibulae
Polden Hill fibula
Riha Neufunde
Roman bow fibula
Rosette fibula
Round head-plate knee| |fibula|
Serpent Fibula
Simple arch fibula
Skeuomorphic plate fibula
Sleeve hinge
Spectacle Fibula
Spring hook
Spring pin
Spring sleeve
T-shaped fibula
Tall-catch crossbow fibula
Thistle |fibula|
Titelberg 1969
Trumpet fibula
Tubular hinge
Tutulus fibula
Two-plate bow fibula
Unclassified bow fibulae
Van Buchem
van der Roest
Viking fibula
Wing fibula
Zangenfilben (Pincer Fibula)
Zoomorphic plate fibula