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Please |help| us convert the |Dictionary of Roman Coins| from scans to text by typing the original text here. Please add updates or make corrections to the NumisWiki text version as appropriate.PATER.  The appellation of Pater is sometimes given alone (that is to say without the addition of the word Patriae) to the Emperors after their deaths and when their deification or consecration had taken place. Thus we find DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER inscribed on some of that Emperor's coins with the various symbols of the apotheosis.  In like manner after they were dead, medals with with the addition of that word, were struck in honor of the memory of Trajan and of Pertinax, viz DIVVS TRAIANUS PARTH PATER, and DIVVS PERT PATER.
View whole page from the |Dictionary Of Roman Coins|


Please |help| us convert the |Dictionary of Roman Coins| from scans to text by typing the original text here. Please add updates or make corrections to the NumisWiki text version as appropriate.PATER.  The appellation of Pater is sometimes given alone (that is to say without the addition of the word Patriae) to the Emperors after their deaths and when their deification or consecration had taken place. Thus we find DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER inscribed on some of that Emperor's coins with the various symbols of the apotheosis.  In like manner after they were dead, medals with with the addition of that word, were struck in honor of the memory of Trajan and of Pertinax, viz DIVVS TRAIANUS PARTH PATER, and DIVVS PERT PATER.
View whole page from the |Dictionary Of Roman Coins|